Thursday, May 6, 2010

There's a boy :)

So I know I haven't written in a while, a lot has been going on. I also know that I said this would be a "work only" blog, but something has come up lately.

I play wizard 101, its an MMORPG. If you don't know what that is, google it.

Anyway, there's this guy that also plays the game. His name is Edward and we have a lot in common. Same age, same state, etc. Over the past couple of months we have gotten really close. We always have that awkward joke of meeting in real life where we both do an lol or rofl to imply that we were joking.

I don't think he's joking anymore. The other night we talked about the Mall here in Findlay and he said he was going to call one of the vendors about a job. Normally, with online guys, at this point I would run as fast as I could the other way. But not this one, he's different.

I actually want to meet this guy. Admitting that is a huge step for me. He has access to my address and knows where I work so it is up to him to come and find me. I love talking to him and I love the way I feel when I think about him.

I know that I don't actually know him, but I want to. I love him as much as you can love someone you've never met. Maybe he can move up here and we can try this out.

Edward if you are reading this, the ball is in your court. I've given you everything you need to find me.

I hope thats not being to forward, then again nothing is much more forward than "we should make an ice baby together" (its an in game reference, if you don't play you won't understand).